To ensure high-quality, durable and efficient products and service solutions for our demanding customers, we work with suppliers who share our commitment to quality.
For 16 German companies of Steuler Linings, the team players in central purchasing control all procurement processes for over 40,000 articles from around 3,000 suppliers.
The most important sources of supply for us are Germany, Europe, Asia and America. We procure raw materials, such as chemicals, rubbers, refractory materials, etc., as well as semi-finished products in the fields of metals and plastics. In addition, there are subcontractor services, merchandise, packaging, energy, waste, vehicle fleet and other consumables and supplies.
With a purchasing volume of more than 100 million euros, Steuler Linings Purchasing bears an important responsibility for the company's cost and cash flow situation. That is why we work with our suppliers to ensure the best prices right from the start of production. Here, too, the approach of competitiveness with our partners applies.